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Life IS Beautiful


Nov 9, 20243 min read
You are NOT that
You are not the cloud of incredible doom. You are NOT a part of it. You are, in fact, so beautiful. So beautiful that if another being...
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Sep 27, 20242 min read
Accept it. You’re an incredible human.
And when I say incredible I include in that statement ALL of you. ALL that you are. Everything that you celebrate, everything that makes...
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Sep 14, 20247 min read
Will I publish or not?
I sit here on my deck enjoying the last days of summer. To be honest it feels and smells like fall already but I like to use facts when I...
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Apr 26, 20246 min read
This human business is hard……..
Or is it? Could it be that WE make it hard? 🤔 I suspect the latter is the truth. I don’t know how you all are feeling lately. But I feel...
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Sep 10, 20231 min read
I think I’m getting it.
Getting what? You ask. Little moments come to me. These ones aren't blaring in the background like some are. They aren't the forehead...
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Sep 3, 20234 min read
What? Shut up. Life IS good.
Even if it isn't. Right now. You have eyeballs to see this. You have some sort of technological device. Otherwise you wouldn't be...
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Jun 12, 20232 min read
I don't have a catchy title...
Whewwwwww..... the last 4 days have been full of ALL of the emotions 😳🤷🏻♀️😭🍷😂🍷🥺. Our friend Tom passed away. For those of you...
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Apr 16, 20234 min read
Always learning from my daughters.
It's crazy to me how I think sometimes that I am the one that needs to constantly give direction and guidance to my girls but FUCK do...
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Mar 19, 20235 min read
This is it. It doesn't get any better. 🤭👇🏻
Ok. What I mean by that is that it is what it is RIGHT NOW. It's as good as it is gonna get right now. But your right now is only...
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Mar 14, 20236 min read
I don't want to know myself....
Bet this caught yer attention? Had a thought come across my constantly racing mind this morning... and as this one was flying by I put...
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Mar 6, 20232 min read
Not shocking. It is snowing, gloomy, cloudy and it is -26 outside. I am sitting here in my warm house. Thankful that I have that. But...
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Feb 7, 20234 min read
Do like Ken and Crystal do.
Well..... like 60% of the time.... the other 40% is a little "iffy", very questionable. And yes, that's pretty ballsy to say... be like...
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Feb 2, 20233 min read
I'm back... again 😜🤘🏻 Comin' to you from La Boquilla, Columbia!!!
I don't know what I'm doing. Seriously. I love writing but I don't have a specific genre that "they" say you should have. But l will...
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Dec 10, 20223 min read
Back for one night only...... (well, maybe not)
I have been off of this website of mine for months..... and I'm not sure why. There really isn't an answer to that. Just wasn't feelin'...
100 views8 comments

Jul 8, 20212 min read
Dear Diary, Jan. 13/85
My Mom is doing good in skiing. She is going to Ladies day every Monday now. Tanzice slept over last night. She came up skiing with us...
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Jun 22, 20212 min read
Dear Diary, Jan. 10/85
I am not Blah Blah's best friend anymore. She wrote her friends in order and she, for the first time put Blah Blah first. It made me...
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Jun 20, 20213 min read
Dear Diary, Jan.9/85
There is nothing much to say tonight. I wrote Charmaine. And I did a whole chatichism lesson tonight. I did some homework that doesn't...
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Jun 16, 20212 min read
Dear Diary, Jan 7/85
It was the first day of school today. It wasn't bad. We met Mr. Wiseman today. He is nice right now we never seen him much. I just...
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Jun 7, 20212 min read
Dear Diary, Jan. 3/85
Today was good. Me and mom walked down to Mary's and walked up to the post office. Then I went to auntie Iona's to visit and Stephanie...
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Jun 3, 20214 min read
Dear Diary, Jan 2/85
Did I ever get lots for Christmas. I got a ski-suit, ski-boots, dress boots, dress shoes and pants, skirt and 2 nightgowns from my mom...
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